Today we added a new character and a new feature to TKO. Ben 10 Ultimate Alien character Ultimate Humungousaur was added but not everyone will be able to play him. You must register and get 3 wins with any characters to unlock him. Very few users are registering so hopefully this will drive more player to register.
Ult. Humungousaur focuses on landing throws. He has a ground throw (which is actually a hit) and an air throw. The ground throw was a true throw but since the special moves are so easy to perform, a Zangief-like throw was horribly overpowered. The air throw combos well with his stomp that pops opponents up into the air. His heavy stomp flies way up into the air and can cross up at the right distance making it very sneaky.
im the only 1 i see that has a account
nevermind i got him
WTF cant get him i beat 10 matches with random peaple and still didnt get him! WHY?
Were you registered and logged in?
igot him
ult .humungousaur rocks
I cant get him….why??? im logged in and everyhting, do u have to face other players tht are logged in?
Are you playing with Invite-a-friend? Those matches don’t count towards your wins. Can you see how many wins you have in the list below the game? As long as you have 3 you should have UltHsaur.
damn when i win and im logged in i look at my wins it says nothing i fuckin hate tko now
Sorry to hear you are having trouble. We made major changes in the infrastructure of TKO so there might be some hiccups. Do you see your stats but they are not updating? Or does the list just say “Login to see your stats”? A page refresh might fix that.
an you give me an ultimatrix pleas ?